Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What have we missed....?

It is almost 5 PM, Wed, 4/11.......We have been here almost a week.......only news we get is from the internet.....but, did find out that........Sox are in first place...Dice K is 1 and 0....Sanjaya is still on Amerian Idol (????)......Tiger lost at Augusta, in spite of playing in the final group......Larry Burkhart IS the father.........Food has been great here......discovered that food in Nanning, where we are now, is MUCH better than Beijing...even Tina agrees......Incredible dinners and lunches....we laughed at first, as they were initially giving 'french fries' with the dinners (not that very good...), and we asked one of our guides, why? They said that everyone in America eats french fries....we said no need to keep doing so........but, they try and change up the dishes...rice....low mein/noodles......spicy has been great.......side note to my friend, George, you would LOVE it.......!!!!! Zach, unfortunately, is having a tough time.....can only Chinese food so many times....i did discover McDonalds..Pizza Hut...and KFC a little ways down the street...(yes, near that traditional Chinese shopping store, Wal Mart)...think may treat him tomorrow for a break........We have been dealing with the language barrier fairly well......Tomorrow, we think we are going to do some more sight seeing....Guess there is a big mountain nearby that offers incredible views....there are polar type caves to explore......and, of course for the ladies, there is Shopping.....!!!!! amazing HOW cheap things are here.....we got Zach a little carry on bag (for all the stuff he has accumulated..and will get more tonight for his birthday), for less than 10 dollars......We do miss having ice, but have been warned not to risk having a drink with ice in it.......All and all, the group we are with are fantastic.......we believe we will remain in touch with several families.....especially the one on the Vineyard.....Can't hurt to have Vineyarders as friends.........Hope folks dont mind these 'rambling' posts....but get caught up in the day.....the excitement of being in China....the new baby, and its nice to express our thoughts and feelings to friends and loved ones......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dice-K pitching Tonight Bob! Opening day was great... Could this be the year?