Thursday, April 12, 2007

Zach's pictureof Bella.....

Bella had her first Oreo the other day on our walk....I tried several times to take a picture of her with the chocoloate all over her face, but it never came out......Zach took the camera, and on his FIRST try, got the above picture........could be a budding photographer in the family.......he has been taking a lot of pictures with his camera, as well as our digital camera.........another good night of sleeping for everyone last night.....all of us crashed around nine....Tina up first...then me....Zach.....and last but not least, is Friday looks to be humid previoously mentioned, off to the mountains and caves this morning, then back to the hotel. They are possibly arranging trips for us to the cities/areas where the orphanages are from...Bella and Laina are both from Laibin orphange; the other 2 babies are from a different part. We may travel tomorrow to Laibin with the other family to see where Bella was from.......on some information we received from her, it was stated that she was left on the grass, under an umbrella, by a hospital in Laibin.....we could possibly see that area.....We realize that the mom did this so that Bella could have a better life, and we are confident that we can provide that to her. hope all is well in Mass.....any snow???? Sanjaya STILL on AI? Is Dice K undefeated?

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