Easter certainly comes earlier this year....It is hard to believe that last Easter, we were in China....! Zachary received a letter from the Easter Bunny prior to departing for China, informing him that due to his trip to China, his Easter Egg hunt would be after we arrived home....This year, we are happy to report that the bunny will be paying a visit to Mansfield, ON Easter Sunday....!! It is amazing how much time has gone bye since last year.....Right around this time, we were awaiting word as to when we would be traveling....getting all our documents....our shots...in order...Now, we are getting ready to celebrate one year with our daughter.......It truly is amazing....I know a lot of friends still have not yet met Bella, and we hope to change that this spring/summer.....She is truly a blessing, and is more and more fun each day....Yes, she is a handful, but we find ourselves just sitting back and watching her, with awe and amazement, as to how far she has come in one year.....Here is a child that was 'taken' from the only home she ever knew, put on a plane to a faraway, foreign land, with strangers she's only known for less than 2 weeks........But, it is like she has always been a part of our family.....We can't imagine life without her, nor would we want to.....This post is dedicated to you, Isabella and Zachary, who have brought more joy to our lives than you can ever imagine.....And to all of our China 137 family and friends, we know you are sharing the same joy as our one year anniversary approaches.....We are so happy to have kept in touch with everyone...to have the reunions....the chat sites...the emails...the phone calls. For two weeks, we were in a strange land, nervous, excited.....and it was comforting to share it with other families, who we now consider our family...our friends.....to our Guangxi Family.....Carmen, Dante, Michael, Steven and Jianna.....Jacqui, John and Roma......Nancy, Jimmy and Laina....and Sandra (Peeps), we wish you a very HAPPY EASTER and see you next weekend...!
the next few photos I'm posting were taken in China by 'Miss Sandra', who we lovingly refer to as "Peeps"....!!! (this first picture is one of my favorites...Bella dressed up in her Chinese dress, that our dear friend, Carmen, bought her)....For the record, the thumb STILL is a constant in her mouth...!
1 comment:
AHH what a Beautiful post!!!! We just Love you guys so much....and am so fortunate to have gone to China with such amazing people...You , Tina, Zach and Bella....will forever be part of our family...
Carmen and Pagano family
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