One year ago....to the day....Isabella Liang Walnista was placed in our arms for the first time....and in our hearts for a lifetime....!!! To quote the Grateful Dead, "What a long, strange trip it's been'.......We went from making the decision to adopt.....to selecting the agency we would go with....to then determining what country (China was a no brainer for us with Tina's heritage)...to meeting with the social workers....to the paperwork.....Oh...the paperwork......to getting everything in and approved....then, to waiting....and waiting....and waiting...and Waiting...!! We finally got 'the call'...we had been matched with you......We got a couple of picture, limited information, but we knew who you were...and you were waiting for us....and we couldn't wait to meet you......Next came the dates of our travel....more paperwork....shots......do we bring Zach...(yes, and thank god we did...!!)....finally, boarding a plane for a far away, distance land....our journey is underway.......a few anxious days spent in Beijing..meeting other families waiting to meet their little one......onto another plane...another city.....this time, to Nanning...to MEET you for the first time......!! Did we sleep the night before? did we bring enough things? what if she cries when we get here? will she like us? will she be scared...will WE be scared........All of that went out the window when they brought you into the room on April 9th, 2007....and we saw you...held you...for the first time (of many)....You took to us right away and us to you.......we 'got you'......!!! Yes, today is lovingly referred to as 'gotcha day'.......it is the day you get your child....it is a special day for everyone... a day that always will be remembered....be celebrated.......
A year has passed since that day....You are home with us now......Our home...Your home......You have adapted better than we had ever thought..imagined....you adore your big brother, Zachary.....he loves you....we love you........we sit back and watch you grow....watch you develop.....havent you ALWAYS been with us? has it ONLY been one year......we cannot...nor would we want to...imagine life without you.......we may have 'got you' on this day....April ninth....but YOU got US...the first time we held you.......the first time we kissed you....you got us for the rest of your life......and we couldn't be happier....!
this post is dedicated to you, Isabella Liang and Zachary William, for making our lives better....for enriching our lives......for completing our family........We 'got' Zach on April 11th, 2001 and we 'got' Bella on April 9th, 2007........! Last year was a wild and crazy ride....and it only gets better with each passing day.....Both of you continue to amaze us....The world is yours to make what you wish of it...We are here to guide you...support you.....to love you.....the world is YOURS..it is what YOU make of it....You have already made OUR world better......we love you, Bella and Zach.....
These are some of my favorites from China....She ate her way through China, and hasn't stopped since....We will post updated pics to show how much Bella has changed
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