This past weekend we hosted a Guangxi Province reuninon.....As most of you now know, when we went to China (it will be year this April 5th..!), we spent time in Beijing and then headed to the province where our daugther was waiting for us......Isabella was in an orphanage in Laibin, and we flew into Nanning, which is located in the Guangxi province of China...Joining us on that journey were Jacqui and John (who adopted Roma); Nancy and Jimmy (who adopted Laina) and Carmen (who adopted Jianna; her husband, Dante, stayed back home with their two boys, Michael and Steven)...Also joining us on that trip was Sandra (lovingly known as "Peeps" as she was our People and was a HUGE help with all of our families).....this past Saturday, all of the girls (Roma, Laina and Jianna) came to visit us......we had a GREAT time.....we cooked out......spent time together....and just got caught up on everything....it was a nice weekend, that was overdue, and went by too fast.....we had a lot of laughs and memories..Our only regret was that John couldnt make it, as he had a business commitment...he was missed, but we will catch up with him next reunion.....the following pics that I post will be from this past weekend......As you can see, our daughter isn't shy to show a 'little' belly...!! We miss the Guangxi Family already and cant wait til the NEXT reunion!!