Bella as of late has been 'testing' us with her sleeping..(or lack thereof...)...she used to be such a great sleeper.....Put her to bed, and don't hear a peep out of her until next morning....Now, bed time is turning into a long ordeal....we read some books.....then, off to the crib....a few minutes later, the crying starts...You try and let her cry it out, but it gets louder..and louder and LOUDER...problem is, Zach's bedroom is right...next door....So, more rocking for Bella...more sobbing...whimpering, til she grows tired, and is ready for the crib.....It would be one thing if that was the end of it......Nope.........could be another wake up call LATE night/early morning......Hopefully, it is just...a...phase....It is just a phase, right??? she will grow out of it, right?//
(editors note: the past few nights she has gotten back to normal and have been sleeping much much better, let's hope it carries over...).....But, looking at the 'smirk', you can't stay mad at her for too long!!!