Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Can I drive?????

Bella's big present was a motorized Dora Explorer jeep (with a working radio!!)...She loves to drive up and down the driveway with Zach....Its really cute....course, if you are in her way, she will just run you over.......!!!!

Birthday photos...sorry for the delay

as previously stated, on May 10th, Bella turned 2....we had a family party for her that weekend and she had a lot of fun....!!

We had a Sponge Bob Cake (which she wore some of) as she LOVES Sponge Bob!!

I apologize for the delay in posting pictures of her birthday, but we had some computer problems....Following are some photos from her birthday......We are happy to report that all are doing well on our end....Zach's school year is winding down (can you believe it???), and active in karate and baseball.....Bella, well, she's just into....EVERYTHING...busy, busy.......Tina's brother got married this past was a very nice wedding, and the kids were invited....Bella had a ball on the dance floor.....for it being a long day (we had to be there at noon, and didnt get home to about 8 pm, no nap) her and Zach did GREAT....we will post some wedding photos later on....

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Birthday Celebration.....!!!

Sorry haven't updated the blog in a bit, but have been busy traveling, etc....Anyway back on May 10th, Bella turned two....!! We had a family celebration that weekend, and she had a lot of fun.....Her big gift was a motorized Dora Explorer jeep, that her and Zach love to drive up and down the driveway....She also got a nice wagon that we can pull her in (Miss Nosy always needs to know what is going on, so in the wagon she can see more than when she;s in her stroller). She had a great birtday celebration, and we can't believe where the time has gone...Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes....I am posting some updated birthday pictures......

Saturday, May 10, 2008

2nd Birthday for Bella....!!!

Today is Bella's second Birthday......! As most parents of children ask, where has the time gone????

seems like yesterday we were JUST in we've been home for over a year, and ready to celebrate her 2nd birthday.......We will post Birthday pictures later on......No big party planned for her, will celebrate with our family today, and then tomorrow, for Mother's Day, will have our families down.......She seems excited about her birthday....when you ask her how old she is, she says 'two' a little cute voice, and holds up two fingers.....we are truly blessed with her bubbly, happy go lucky, personality (although she DOES have her moments, and does not like the word NO.....crosses her arms, and gives us the pouty face)....yes, the 'teen years' will be a challenge for sure.......Anyway, Happy Birthday, sweet Bella....

love, Mom, Dad and Zach....